Cheerleader Mamma

Thursday, October 26, 2006

20 yrs ago

Well it was a Sunday night and we decided to go to church. My doctor told me on the Friday before " I will see you next week if not before". Guess what doctor? My obstetricion. Yes I was 9 months pregant with my first child and due any time the ultra sound said I was due oct 26. My doctor said the 27. Well at approx 4pm i started to feel real different I could not put myfinger on it but what did I do called Mom. What are some of the signs I said of going into labor? She told well I do not remember having any of those. So a little while later we went to church. We lived in Guelph at the time. During the service I really was not paying any attention when they acually started but they did yup contractions. I remember a usher asking Ron if I was ok He said yes just a bit uncomfortable as this is her first. We came home and I decided while I was making Ron something to eat I would clean underneath the sink as I was looking for something and could not find it. Next thing I knew everything was out of the cupboard and on the floor. I was washing the cupboard out before I put everything back. I then felt stronger contractions and called my mom once more. I then called my sister and let her know what was happening. We then proceded to call the hospital and the doctor had previuosly called on the friday and said I might be calling as he was not on call but another doctor was his name was Dr Tovell. I told them what was happening and they said come in and get checked out. Well I did not leave for 4 days Haloween. Yes she was born at 3:28am at 6lb and 13 oz. She was nicknamed their little red head her hair was dark red. we named her Meghan Joyce. She was our first and very challenging in the beginning what first child is not. We found out at 5 months she was allergic to milk and I had to put her on soy things went better from there. she settled down and was not so restless. That was my life 20 yrs ago tonight. Following is a picture of her and her sister cleaning up the yard on Sat she is on the left. Then of the 2 of them with there dad he threw them into the pile to begin with he said it was all premeditated.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Well I finally have a saturday where I have nothing planned. Well I do have to do laundry and cleaning. But that is beside the point.We are having a disscustion here this morning. The question is do we let our 18 yr old in college move in with 2 other girls 1 hr away? We have decided to let her know she can, but we will only give her so much for the rent a little lower that what she needs. She has to find a job to fund the rest as well as food. The apartment is all inclusive. She is currently working at swiss chalet as a waitress and loves it. We are payin for all her college education and we do not want it to be too easy. She needs to find ownership and responsibilty. Now my oldest already had this aspect of life under wraps when she left for college to live with my parents. Now that she is finished college and has a full time job her car insurance has to be paid by her. If they are living under our roof we ask that they help with groceries, by picking some up here and there and paying for them. Which Meg does all the time anyway she is my giving child. She has a servants heart. Now to figure out what the others are as they grow older you see the rewards you have taught them. I hope and pray I have taught them all the right way. God's way.Wel you all have a wonderful weekend God Bless

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Yes I'm alive. My daughter told me it was time to write somthing new. It has been awhile since I wrote last but I have been busy, and everytime I go to use the computer the girls are on it or my son. I finished my firat assignment for school and I got 81.5 percent on it not bad i think I can do better now that i know what they expect. Which is alot. I'm now starting my second assignment it is all on human resources fun wow. There is this one lady at work who thinks she knows everything. She used to work and do everything i mention. One of those. She tried to tell me all about human resources the other day as she worked in a company for human resources well if she knew it all why is she not there anymore? Why is she now a dietary aide? That is what I do part time in the nursing home. It is not hard at all. Set tables, serve food, clean up, and wash dishes. I guess you can see why I want to further my education it does get boring. Although the residents are cute and I love them they have a certain way about life some are cranky some are funny, hilariuos and dangerous. Any way I do love my job I just want to do more and work more with the residents my boss is also a christain which I love.
Something else new about me in the past 3 weeks is I now wear glasses for reading! Yes now I can see what I'm reading and writing better the letters are now bigger so I dont have to squint anymore.
I had a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. We picked up Emma and Liam my neice and nephew ( shashers kids) and headed to sarnia. From here in Bracebridge it was a 5 hr drive but it turned into a 7 hr drive. After we picked the kids up we went to place flowers at the cemetary where my mom is placed It has been a year Oct 7 since she passed away. We then proceeded to Sarnia. Well we decided to take the back road to the Hwy. ha ha. Well my husband thought ther was a entrance in this one town well we did not find it as there was a detour sign for it so we followed it and it seemed to take forever. Well when we got there it only went east we needed to go west so we went east found a U turn and took it with our big extended cab and 23' trailer towin behind us. Well we were finally on our way with a tims in sight we stopped. we were about 1/2 hr away and liam woke up sying he had to go you know what .I thought maybe he was just dreaming. I said keep going about 10 min later he said it again. I then said I guess we better stop we have not had to do that since my guy was little it brought back memories. On we go we get there at approx 2am get the trailer in place and into bed. We were together with my husbands family. Not everyone was there but ther was still 26 of us. Great meal Barb. We went for a walk in a conservation area on sat after noon it was fun Liam seemed to enjoy it I will post a picture of him. Well the next day was sunday and yes we should have gone to church but we thought it is a long drive home and we had to drop off the kids and meg had to get her car (she went down to Kitchener 3 days early to help lori get use to the kids but they were fine all along) We got to Kitchener about 1230 and waited for Lori to show up after church she srrived about 2 it was then time to head home as we still had another 3 hrs to go. The girls had already left but Ron and I had to make a stop, so when we got goin on to the Hwy well what a mistake that was it took one hr to go one street down.The bridge was closed due to fallin away chunks of road they thought it might crumble so they closed off the street under and the bridge. Well back onto the hwy all went well till we got 1 hr from home the hwy got closed down because of a accident. So we then had to detour yet again. We finally arrived home at 7pm. Got unpacked and My dad and his lady friend arrived. I had not met her yet. she is a very nice lady it is just a bit weird. On monday we had a wonderful day we went boating to a cottage my husband is working on and I took some beautiful pictures I will post some of them also. In one of the pictures is my 3 daughters with Monicas boyfreind she is the with the pink shirt and black sweater.Besides work some of the other things I have been up to it going to hockey games. My son playes for a rep team in town here. It is very interesting seeing a bunch of boys 15 and 16 with their hormones rage on the rink they do pretty good holding in there temper. This is a new feat for my son he has been know to have a temeper. This year he is working extra hard not to let others bug him and get into a fight. My daughter has one more horse show on saturday I love watching her jump it is amazing. Her horses name is Flicka, she cannot wait to see the movie that is coming out.
Wow this was a long blog maybe I should write more often and it would not be so long. Any one agree with me?